Cole swindell live in concert
Yeehaw! Our first-ever large-scale concert took place on September 1, 2024! Headlining the event was country superstar Cole Swindell, with opening acts 7 Mile Run and Ashley Cooke.
Over 6,000 concertgoers roamed our campus from 4 to 11 p.m., singing, dancing, and, of course, enjoying some beers. Check out our recap below.

“great show!! awesome venue!! great beer!!”
-anonymous concertgoer
concert highlights
Labor Day weekend
What’s not to love about Labor Day Weekend and Country Music? Check out the photos of our guests and a few highlights from the concert!

Ashley Cooke
Ashley Cooke, 2024 Female Artist of the Year, opened for Cole Swindell.

Come Tie Up!
Over 40 boats came out on the Allegheny River to listen to the concert. We set up a temporary dock for the concert that boaters could use to come on property to stock up on beer during the concert!